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Washington State University Dairy News

Final Note from Current Editor – June 2024

A Final Note from this Editor

By Amber Adams Progar, Associate Professor and Dairy Management Specialist

This month marks my 10th year as a faculty member at Washington State University and, coincidentally, also marks my final days at WSU. The last ten years brought me so much joy doing what I love to do . . . work with outstanding dairy farmers and industry professionals. The Washington State dairy industry proved to be one of the most welcoming, progressive, and sincere industries. Over the years we worked together to tackle serious problems such as pest bird management and employee safety, but we never forgot to have fun. We shared jokes, celebrated our accomplishments, and united in laughter. There was a lot of laughter. You welcomed me onto your farms and saved a seat for me at your dinner tables. Thank you. Thank you for helping this Wisconsin girl feel right at home in Washington.

As we all know, life takes unexpected turns. My family and I are settling into a new chapter of our lives in Florida. I am not sure where life’s turns will take me next in my career, but I do know that all my fond memories of Washington will always put a smile on my face. I cannot thank all of you enough for these past ten years. Stay in touch and GO COUGS!